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NDIS 支援的分类

Core Supports

Core support helps you with daily activities, current needs related to disability and working towards your goals. Your core support budget is the most flexible, and in most cases, you can use funds for any of the following four support categories. However, in some cases, your funds (especially transportation funds) lack flexibility.

Capital Supports

Capital support includes higher-cost assistive technology, equipment, and modification of houses or vehicles, as well as one-time purchase funds that may be required (including accommodation for people with special disabilities). It is important to remember that the funds in the capital support budget can only be used for specific purposes and cannot be used to cover any other expenses. The capital support budget has two support categories: assistive technology and home modifications.




Capacity building support can help you build independence and skills to help you achieve long-term goals. Unlike the core support budget, your capacity building support budget cannot be transferred from one support category to another. Funds can only be used to purchase approved individual supports belonging to the capacity building category.

Stated Supports


In-kind Supports

Specified support: Any service listed as "specified support" is not flexible. This means that the funds have been allocated to specific supports or services, and you cannot use the funds for other purposes. You cannot replace "prescribed support" with any other support.

If your plan has "in-kind" support, it means that the service has been paid for by your state, territory or Australian government.
When you use in-kind services, existing providers will provide in-kind support, and you do not need to use NDIS plan funds to pay for it. If you have questions about using a particular physical provider or service, you can contact the ECEI coordinator, LAC or NDIA planner.



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